Top 10 Scotch Whisky LABEL 5 releases the “City Lights” limited edition inspired by the vibrant lights of the city.
LABEL 5 Scotch Whisky is proud to introduce its new limited edition, as part of the global “City Lights” brand platform. This activation communicates on the vibrant lights and the positive energy of the city, in a modern and colourful way and fully echo the brand ‘Power of 5” campaign.
The ‘City lights Edition’ is an original concept in which each bottle is unique. Every label is picked by an algorithm from a very large skyline. The designs are selected completely randomly. Unlimited bottles having a different background will make up this unique collection.
This City Lights edition comes along a digital platform “LABEL 5-findyourlabel” to enrich the customer experience and give the opportunity to see the full skyline and find where the label from each bottle purchased has been picked from the picture.
Available in 70cl and 1L, this new light limited edition includes a global media plan : digital media, social networks, and in-store visibility.